Our Products
Large Trust Management
The development that started it all. Mokotoa is a bespoke trust management system aimed at medium to large trusts that may have 100 - 1000's of beneficiaries or a large shareholder base. Handling areas like contact management, grant management, shareholder payouts. It interfaces directly to Xero for accounting and payment processing. Each implementation is its own standalone system dedicated to your trust. This provides isolation and security.
Small Trust Management
New to the market and in the final stages of development, this online system is aimed at the small to medium sized business & personal trusts. Protecting intellectual, legal and beneficiary information in a secure and trust worthy manner. All information is securely stored so it can not be compromised.
Currently in Alpha testing. Full Public Release very soon.
Coming Soon - AssetSNA
Asset Manager is a simple to use asset management system that will allow you to track all your assets in one place. You can print or purchase Q-Code (Barcode) identities that can be attached to the asset and scanned at anytime to gain information. Simple and cost effective.
Able to integrate easily with TrustSNA.
Coming Soon - MinuteMAN
Minute Manager is a simple to use minute taking and storage system. Schedule a meeting , take notes using templates and distribute out quickly and easily. This system that will allow you to track meeting with ease and keep all your minutes in one place. Simple, easy and cost effective.
It is envisaged that this product will integrate easily with TrustSNA, amp'ing up that product.
Coming Soon - ViaNet Networks
Designer Internet, Network & Phone Services.
Design, develop and supply secure networks and internet services. From full blown Private networks, Mobile phone services to ISP & Internet services.
This exciting new product is currently in the early stage of development and will integrate with all other existing products once completed.
Check back later for more information.
More products planned for development. Remember to check back.